Posted by : Unknown Saturday, August 30, 2014

Counter-strike 1.5 info : 
Half Life: Counter-Strike 1.5
este cea mai palpitanta experienta de joc in mai multi jucatori care combina 
toate elementele universului online din Half Life cu noi optiuni pentru un 
singur jucator si pentru mai multi jucatori. La baza acestui joc este Counter 
Strike, cel mai jucat joc de actiune online, care a fost proiectat ca o extensie 
pentru Half Life si care a fost desemnat Jocul Anului de peste 50 de publicatii 
de specialitate din lumea intreaga.

Counter-strike 1.6 info : Counter-Strike, the world’s number one online action game series, is a first-person shooter developed by Valve Software, the creators of the renowned Half-Life series. This team-oriented online shooter pits terrorists and counter-terrorists against one another in round-based combat set all over the world. Using the power of the “Source” engine, the original Counter-Strike has been completely remade as Counter-Strike: Source—offering upgraded graphics, levels, and the implementation of a new physics engine. Counter-Strike will never be the same!

Counter-strike Source info :Vestea lansarii lui Half-Life 2 a facut furori anul trecut, totul culminand cu prezentarea acestuia la E3. Numai idea ca urma sa fie lansat pe 30 septembrie transformase orice fan Half-Life si Counter-Strike intr-un zombie incontrolabil. Cateva luni mai tarziu are loc binecunoscutul eveniment al penetrarii retelei Valve si implicit furtul codului sau sursa si a unei versiuni neterminate a jocului. Rezultatul l-am vazut si l-am trait pe pielea noastra. Half-Life 2 a fost amanat un an. Intra in scena 2004 si al sau E3 din luna mai, eveniment la care este prezentat pentru prima oara in mod oficial Counter-Strike: Source. Valve, realizand probabil ca nu mai tine sa duci o lume intreaga cu zaharelul, il face pe dracu-n patru si distribuie prin Steam o versiune beta de Counter-Strike: Source, versiune continand o singura harta jucabila, de_dust. Miracolul se petrecuse. Toata lumea a constientizat ca sfarsitul dezvoltarii jocului este aproape si ca nu va mai trece mult pana cand acesta va atinge faza Gold. Intrebarea ce statea pe limba multora era daca sistemul pe care ei aveau de gand sa ruleze jocul ii va face fata cu succes.      Drept urmare, Valve a distribuit prin intermediul unui update si un benchmark menit sa ne dea o idee asupra modului in care Half-Life 2 va rula pe calculatoarele personale. Urmatorul pas a fost pre-loadingul Half-Life 2, disponibil prin Steam, care tocmai a ajuns la faza a patra. Si chiar daca numai cateva elemente ale jocului au fost distribuite pana acum (texturi si sunete), sunt sigur ca majoritatea dintre voi au Steam in start-up si controleaza din cand in cand sectiunea Play Games al acestuia. Poate vine si ziua aia, in care nu mai scrie „coming soon” in dreptul lui Half-Life 2. Cred ca o asemenea obsesie in masa este unica in istoria jocurilor. 

First released to the public on June 18th, 1999, Counter-Strike began as a simple fan-produced mod for Half-Life. Thanks to a series of steadily-improving beta releases, the mod started to foster a progressively-enlarging and dedicated following. As the fast-paced, tactical game play was refined and improved, and as new concepts and maps were introduced, Counter-Strike moved from being a mere Half-Life mod to an entirely new game.

With the release of Steam, Valve's digital content delivery system, Counter-Strike found a new footing within the gaming community. Counter-Strike’s first single-player chapter, Counter-Strike: Condition Zero (Developed by Valve and Turtle Rock Studios), was a great success, bringing many new features and upgraded graphics to the classic game. The release of Counter-Strike: Source only helped boost the series further towards its now legendary status. Counter-Strike is about as close as you’ll ever get to saving the world; or destroying it!

 1. Unpack the release with WinRAR or equivalent
  2. Burn the bin/cue with Nero Burning ROM, CDRWin or equivalent
      (*)Or mount the image with Daemon-Tools
  3. Install from the CD
  4. Copy the cracked EXE-file from the Vengeance-directory to
     C:ValveCondition Zero
  5. Copy the cracked DLL-file from the Vengeance-directory to
     C:ValveCondition Zerovalvecl_dlls 
  6. Use one of the following cd-keys when prompted:
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